Danny's Days - 14th October 2024
This week we welcome Organic Native Shetland Lamb into our shop. We have been working with Ronny Eunson and his son, Jacob, for many years - more than I can remember! This lamb is only available for a 6-8 week season, so I always urge foodies to try it and experience the unique flavour of one of the UK’s oldest breed of lamb which has been kept purebred for flavour when so many other producers have cross-bred for financial gain. These lambs are outdoors all through their growing period and feed on the farm’s naturally growing heather and also love foraging on the farm’s shore where they find washed up sea weed.
Last week was Canadian Thanksgiving, which is always a good practice run for American Thanksgiving at the end of November. We are now taking Thanksgiving orders. As every year, we do encourage those of you celebrating this holiday to order promptly to ensure we can supply you with the right size turkey.
It’s nice to see so many seasonal meats in the window at this time of year, Fresh Pheasant and Partridge, Shetland Lamb and fresh Bronze Turkey. It’s exciting, heart-warming and gives us the feeling of responsibly promoting the foods our planet wants us to eat at this time of year.
Local news
There is a new consultation being carried out by RBKC proposing 5 trees to be planted in the residents parking on Portland Road. I think it’s important to give RBKC your opinion, no matter for or against.https://consult.rbkc.gov.uk/communities/portland-road/ We have a new MP (Joe Powell) and new government. The communication between local businesses and residents with RBKC and Joe is essential and will enable a better future for all of us. We all have a voice.
The very best wishes