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Woodland Bronze Turkey


Available from 2.5kg-13kg. These Free Range Woodland Bronze Turkeys, feed on nettles, wild blackberries and freshly grown oats. They are a slow maturing bird for optimum flavour and texture. 

Due to their healthy outdoor existence, they will not look like ordinary hybrid 'factory' or mass produced birds. The free-range lifestyle results in black feather stubble, which will reduce during cooking and leave a skin renowned for its extra flavour and crispiness. 

Cooking your Bronze Turkey

Preparation -

Check the giblets (if included). These are wrapped separately and separated from the bird. Sprinkle the bird with salt and pepper, and fill the neck cavity with stuffing.

If you are also stuffing the rear cavity, take care that air can pass over the stuffing into the body cavity. If air cannot circulate freely inside the bird there is a danger that the stuffing will be cooked while the turkey remains undercooked.

If you are not stuffing the turkey, you can place a large peeled onion inside the cavity. We find this enhances the natural flavours of the meat.

Cooking Instructions -

Place the turkey breast down in the roasting tray. The only fat deposits in the turkey are in the back and these will percolate through the breast meat during cooking, resulting in a greater succulence and flavour. Because of their natural succulence, our turkeys cook far faster than mass produced birds.

Start the turkey roasting at 400°F (200°C) / Gas mark 6 for 30 minutes, then turn down to 350°F (177°C) Gas mark 4. Baste occasionally. Turn over for the last half hour to brown the breast.

If aluminium foil is used, an extra hour’s cooking is required. The foil must be removed for the last half hour if a crisp brown skin is required.

All ovens vary so make sure to monitor your turkey throughout the cooking process.
Ready -

The turkey is ready when the juices run clear. Test with a fork or meat skewer behind the knee joint of the thigh where the meat is thickest.

Carving Instructions -