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Danny's Days - A Week in the Life of a Butcher's Shop

Danny's Days - A Week in the Life of a Butcher's Shop

Last week we had some strange weather. A beautiful warm Saturday and a bit of a cloudy and slightly wet Sunday. On Sunday was my youngest daughter’s birthday party and she had hoped to be outdoors but an alternative option was needed to be taken.

On Sunday night was a full moon. May's full moon is known as the Flower Moon because, by the time it arrives, spring has officially sprung and colourful blooms dot the landscape. This full moon is also known as Corn Planting Moon, as crops are sown in time for harvest, or Milk Moon, as May was previously known as the "Month of Three Milkings". In 2022, this will coincide with a total lunar eclipse. Those in the UK were not  able to see every part of the eclipse, but would have been able to see it at totality when the entire Moon turns red.

Just to add to this, in some spiritual teachings this full moon marks the Wesak festival. Wesak, also spelled Vesak, Sanskrit Vaishakha, Pali Vesakha, most important of the Theravada Buddhist festivals, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. So whatever you celebrated or whatever you did last weekend, I hope you had a memorable and magnificent time.



This week looks like we’ll have some more good weather. We’ve got a very poplar BBQ special offer coming later this week so watch out for our newsletter coming to you on Thursday.



We were also very pleased to announce last week that our Boeuf Bourguignon Pie had been awarded 3 Stars at the Q Guild of Butchers Smithfield Awards. The award was presented by Angela Hartnett. This was terrific recognition for our kitchen team I'm sure you'll agree. 


The very best wishes

Danny Lidgate

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