New Seasonal Tastes

It's true that summer produce is uniquely fresh and delicious, but there is lots to take advantage of in September as we finally arrive to autumn. You may have been growing tired of picnics and barbeques anyway, and are looking for some new recipes, flavours and cooking styles that complement the colder weather better. More importantly, bearing the season in mind whilst cooking allows you to source ingredients more locally, and is far more sustainable than relying on international imported produce. With that in mind, what exactly is it that we can take advantage of at this time of year?
Well, game birds come to the forefront as we move towards Christmas and what better time to start cooking with grouse. If you are a fan of a Sunday roast, a handy roasting guide for grouse is available here, on our website. This meat has a deep gamey taste, and is packed full of flavour - the season started on the 12th August so if you are a true fan you might have already got yourself some. Whether you’re a grouse newbie or an old-timer, we are sure you’ll enjoy the classic flavours of pumpkin, chestnut, or cobnut (a strain of hazelnut native to Kent) alongside it. If you’re brainstorming potential side dishes, we would like to point you in the direction of a wonderful Great British Chefs recipe that opts for game chips and bread sauce.
September also brings about the start of the season for partridge, wild duck and geese, mallard, teal, and widgeon. If thoughts of this are getting you hungry, our Game Pie might be just what you fancy – containing venison, pheasant, and partridge (depending on season) in a red wine sauce. Think of partridge as the closest thing in the game world to chicken, with a fantastic indulgent taste. Although ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ may lead you to believe otherwise, partridges aren’t just a festivals winter treat. However, ‘a partridge in a pear tree’ is just about right, with pears in season, these flavours complement each other perfectly.
Speaking of fruit, it’s great to be aware of what exactly is in season at the moment in the UK. Whilst summer produce is normally still abundant in September, our autumn favourites come onto the scene. These include apples, carrots, blueberries, celery, pears, plums, figs, fennel, and courgettes. Check out the National Trust’s guide to seasonal food for more details – it’s super helpful. If you really want to be in the running for seasonal cook of the year, incorporating this produce with game birds is your winning ticket. The rich flavours of plum or fig accompany many game birds well, such as pigeon, or pheasant.