New Month, New Tastes
March used to be the 1st month of the year and the 25th March was considered new year’s day in England until as late as 1752.
March was named after the Roman god Mars – god of war and agriculture. The huge change in what is happening on the land and in farms at this time of year, is why this is the time of the year where it all starts to change – and therefore it was thought the best time to mark the start of the new year.
The calendar has of course changed but this is still a time of change in nature. In the fields, daffodils are appearing. Hedgehogs emerge from hibernation and inside the beehive, lots of eggs are being laid and early forays out into the fields start taking place to collect early season pollen.

In the fields, Swiss chard, spring onions and winter lettuces are ready for harvesting. Wild garlic is sprouting in woodlands and while all those are emerging – we are seeing the last of our brussels sprouts. Nonetheless We’re now also at the start of the ‘hungry gap’ in the UK, that time when many seasonal foods have finished and other crops are yet to start growing. But this pause – gets us ready for the bloom in foods that are about to emerge.
Amongst the foods in season now are:
- cabbage (green, Spring greens)
- celeriac
- chard
- chicory
- kale
- leeks
- parsnips
- purple sprouting broccoli
- seakale
- spring onions
It’s also a time when we are also talking orders for Easter. Do have a look at the special section on our website. This is a collection of our favourite products to have at Easter. Whether you're planning on a traditional lamb roast or opting for beef or poultry we have everything you need. Don't forget the mint sauce and gravy...
…and if you're after something sweeter visit our EASTER TREATS collection as well.