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Danny's Days - 8th May 2023

Danny's Days - 8th May 2023

What a week last week was! The Lidgate team were absolutely exhausted at the end of it. We were really busy as people had parties and gatherings for the King's Coronation. Our special Coronation Quiche and Coronation Crown of Lamb were very popular, we even sold out. What a magnificent occasion and memorable event the Coronation was.

Also last weekend was a full moon, and you know I love a bit of full moon talk.  If you're a sky watcher, you wouldn’t have  wanted to miss Friday night's full moon. Called the “Flower Moon,” Friday's full moon was named by Native American tribes as a tribute to the spring season in North America. Some say it is the most powerful moon of the whole year.

It is also when the Vesak festival occurs.Vesak is one of the most important Buddhist festivals. It is also known as Wesak or Buddha Day. It is a celebration of Buddha's birthday and, for some Buddhists, marks his enlightenment (when he discovered life's meaning). It is also a time to reflect on his teachings and what it means to be Buddhist.  

However you celebrated this bank holiday, I hope you had a wonderful time spent with friends and loved ones filled with cherished moments.
The very best wishes, 
Danny Lidgate

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