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Danny's Days - 13th November 2023

Danny's Days - 13th November 2023

This week we had a special day on Saturday where we created a one off sausage called the Spitfire Sausage which we cooked and sold to raise money for Help For Heroes. We were partnered with  Bella Pepper who helped us invent this recipe using their hot pepper sauces. It seemed very fitting to do so in the lead up to remembrance Sunday. We support many charities and they all help different people in different ways.

This week, we will start preparing ourselves for American Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you have visited the store recently you will have seen the handiwork of John's Christmas decorations.

This summer we’ve spent time analysing and improving some of our products. In particular we’ve tweaked our Honey Roast Ham, which although has won numerous awards, we felt it could be a little juicier. We’ve also paid special attention to all our Christmas Stuffings which have been revamped.

I hope you had a good weekend, and like myself remembered the fallen soldiers that fought to protect us, and the men and women still serving. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

The very best wishes


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