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Danny's Days - 3rd July 2023

Danny's Days - 3rd July 2023





Last week we were busy sending the new Iron Age Pork across London and to different areas around the country. It has been great to see so many customers take up the opportunity to really support British farming by trying something new. London and Dorset-based food writer Philippa Davies tried out the Iron Age Pork Steaks and you can see what she thought of them on Instagram here and here.





A new product we started selling last week was our chopped Mediterranean vegetables which come in an oven ready container and are gently marinated in a olive oil based marinade. These will be available on our website in the soon but look out for them if you are in the shop.



We are also very pleased our new Lidgates Scotch Eggs have been so popular, one customer came in and bought one, went outside and ate it then walked straight back in and bought another one for her friend - that's the kind of response that tells us we've got it right. 

I hope you have a wonderful week, it looks like we’ve got some mixed weather this week.

Danny Lidgate

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