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Danny's Days - 17th July 2023

Danny's Days - 17th July 2023

This week at Lidgate butchers we’ve had a few staff holidays start. It’s a good time to let the team take a well-earned break as things quieten down a little in Holland Park.

This week we have also all enjoyed watching the tennis at Wimbledon. Thankfully, our mixed weather conditions did not disrupt any matches, mainly thanks to the roof that was added some years ago. It was great to see two worthy winners image over the weekend. 

It looks like there may be some mixed weather conditions for the next few weeks as well as extreme heat waves in parts of Europe, but whatever we are dealt we should be grateful. Whether it’s its watering the plants and the grass or topping up our sun tans.

I hope you have a positive and successful week.

The very best wishes, 


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