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Danny's Days - 17th October 2022

Danny's Days - 17th October 2022

This week felt like a mystical time with very foggy mornings and some cooler weather. A week ago saw the October full moon, known as the Hunter’s Moon. October's Hunter's Moon was given its name because it was at this time when tribes gathered meat for the long winter ahead.

With the big news of the awards won last week, I didn’t get a chance to mention the full moon. Some of you may ask, what does this have to do with these newsletters? Well, full moons have marked different seasons of the year for many centuries and these autumn months are the most celebrated seasonal months of the year.

We see the introduction of: 


- Game Birds, with pheasant, grouse and partridge currently available.




- our Shetland Lamb from Sustainable Farm of the Year, Uradale Farm.



- and American Thanksgiving.



All this leads up to the most magical time of the year, Christmas. Our 'Christmas at Lidgates' page is now live on our website and we have started taking orders.


On Saturday last week, we had our monthly Lidgate Team Awards. Along with the usual customer service awards, special awards went to Jamie, Olti, Viktor, Mohammed, Anthony and Terri for their development and production of the Game Pie and Chicken Ballotine for which we won awards this month.

I hope you all have a fantastic week. The very best wishes,

Danny Lidgate

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