Danny's Days - 3rd February 2024
This week we have been in close contact with our Beef farmers. It hasn’t been mentioned yet on mainstream news but there is beginning to be a supply and demand issue not only here in the UK but also in many other countries around the world.
A couple of recent industry articles have detailed the issues at play but since these were written live cattle prices have risen sharply in the UK. This will have a big knock on effect which will be seen in every sector including restaurants, supermarkets, fast food chains as well as retail butchers.
Essentially we are concerned about making sure our farmers can continue with the trade they know and love. Recent inheritance tax changes suggested by our government have only added to many UK farmer’s concerns. One might say farmers need more help than ever right now as the cattle they are buying at a huge expense will be sold in 1 or 2 years and they can only trust they don’t make a crippling loss. We will keep a close eye on this.
In the meantime, we are making our preparations for Valentine's Day which is only 11 days away. Keeping things topical, guess what is the preferred meat? That's right, Beef - Fillet Steak in particular. If you are thinking of having one of our Valentine's Boeuf en Croute's on the 14th we do recommend pre-ordering as we wouldn't want you to be disappointed!
Can you believe it’s February already.
The very best wishes,