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Picnic Ideas & History

Picnic Ideas & History

Without tempting Fate, the weather is looking great this weekend and as the warmer spring and summer months approach, it's time to start planning for one of Britain's favourite pastimes: the picnic. Here are some Lidgate picnic ideas with a side of history.

There's no shortage of locations to enjoy an outdoor meal with friends and family in London. Lidgate is neighbours to one of the best, Holland Park. Before you jump for the sandwiches and the Pimms (don’t forget the blanket!) here is a taste of where the nation’s favourite summer activity originated.
The origins of the picnic can be traced back to medieval Europe, where the concept of a communal outdoor meal was common among the wealthy. The word itself can even be traced back to the French “pique-nique,” which referred to a social gathering where guests brought their own food.

During the 18th century, the tradition spread beyond the aristocracy. The Industrial Revolution brought about a rise in the middle class, and with it, a desire for outdoor leisure activities; picnics were a perfect way to escape the confines of the city and enjoy nature. 
The first recorded picnic in the United States was held in 1861, during the Civil War when a group of wealthy Virginian women invited both Union and Confederate soldiers to come together and enjoy a meal. This act of kindness and unity became known as the “Picnic at Bull Run” and is considered to be the first organized picnic in American history.

Of course, no British picnic is complete without a few games. Is it even a picnic without a bit of healthy family competition? So too was this the case in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, croquet and badminton became increasingly popular with a side of sausage rolls. An easier option for this weekend might be a football, a frisbee or a deck of cards.
Gathering with friends and family to enjoy food and nature remains a cherished tradition. So, as you plan your next picnic, take a moment to appreciate the rich history behind this beloved outdoor activity.


Our SAUSAGE ROLLS are made fresh daily here on the premises using our own sausage meat, wrapped in smoked streaky bacon and puff pastry.

Our SCOTCH EGGS come in a variety of flavours: Cumberland Sausage, Pulled Pork and Spicy Chorizo.

Melton Mowbray PORK PIES are made using only the finest fresh, natural British pork. The meat is coarsely chopped and seasoned with a special blend of salt and pepper. 


"The LIDGATES PASTY is a triumph, using hand cut beef, swedes, potatoes, salt and pepper. Properly crimped rich pastry on the top. The result is fat, juicy, solid, sweet and lightly peppered" - Independent on Sunday

 Our LAMB SAMOSAS are made fresh in our kitchen by our skilled cooks.  We use fresh minced lamb, peas, carrots, sweetcorn and onions with a traditional curry sauce wrapped in our light puff pastry.

And then of course there is our amazing range of DELI MEATS – ready for the perfect sandwich, including our Parma ham– widely thought of as the best ham in the world, imported from Italy and branded with the authentic logo. The treatment of both the pigs and ham is strictly monitored to ensure the authenticity and quality of the meat. Parma ham is low in salt and known for its distinctive sweet flavour.
So, whether you're a seasoned picnic pro or a newbie looking to start a new tradition, there's no better way to enjoy the British summer than with a delightful picnic in the great outdoors.
Happy picnicking!

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